Our Optical Collections

Superior Contact Lenses in Malaysia

We found 20 products available for you

SofLens® Multi-Focal




SofLens® 66 Toric for Astigmatism


SofLens® Daily Disposable for Astigmatism


DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus®


Biotrue® ONEday


Frequently Asked Questions

Similar to our body, our eyes need to rest as well. It is advisable to wear contact lenses no more than 8 to 12 hours a day.

If you have a record with us previously, you can chat with us to get your prescription and place the order.  If you are a new customer, book an appointment with an optometrist on our website and get your contact lens fitting done at your preferred outlet.

No. Spectacle prescription is measured with a short distance away from our eyes whereas contact lenses are placed directly on the eyes. Hence power conversion is required.

Each individual eye is unique and we need to find the right size (base curve) that suits you the best. A lens that is too loose or tight-fitting will cause eye complications.

Contact lenses are medical devices. It requires a trained optometrist to do a proper check to ensure that your eye health is in good condition and the lens are suitable for your eyes before prescribing you with the contact lenses.

Contact lenses are generally very safe as long as you visit a qualified optometrist to check your eye health every 6 months.